
Ruck for Veterans
Continuing to Bring Awareness
Since 2017, we have been giving back to veteran-specific organizations. Our commitment to bringing attention to different topics each year has been the lead driver. Most Americans are unaware of the significant sacrifice so many have given to this country.
From 2017 to 2020 we were purely a fundraising element as we did not have our official 501(c) 3 status until October of 2021. We now dedicate events to not only educate but remember and appreciate our veterans. Our goal is to bring awareness, help those in need and support our brothers and sisters who made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as their families.
What is a Ruck?


Aaron Wrazen
I was active duty Marine Corps in support of Iraqi Freedom Campaign and attending the Ruck Club events have helped me out a lot. I have always enjoyed athletic activities but lack the “drive” to get off my butt and go participate due to the crowd not always knowing my military past and some of the disabilities that resulted from my service.
The first ruck I knew two out of the group and during the ruck I got to talking and meeting new friends while also bettering my health. There was no rank, nor who did more overseas, it was like minded individuals talking and “shooting the shit” while we stepped it out. I feel happier, healthier, and motivated to go farther and faster. I started doing my own rucks just to try out new routes and report back to the group. I truly do appreciate what Ruck Club has done for me and what it’s all about.

Ricki Torres
The Ruck for Vets program has given me a sense of brotherhood, camaraderie, and a willingness to dedicate myself to a cause greater than I.

Our Mission
Ruck for Veterans is aimed at bringing awareness to Veteran mental health issues. Our journey began with the focus on children of fallen service members. We raised money to provide them with a brighter future. Year two we focused on veteran suicides because the average daily suicide rate continues to climb. In the third year, we focused on Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. There is a new generation of veterans that need our support. Years four and five we targeted The Special Forces Foundation and Green Beret Foundation. Now being our sixth year we are finally an official 501c3 and are now accepting donations that go directly toward veteran causes.